The Zine

Welcome to our community-driven zine—a celebration of passionate anglers united by more than just fish. Our contributors share the spirit of anglers—connecting with nature and embracing a journey towards connectedness. As an independent, not-for-profit publication, we believe in the power of our shared passion to be a force for good. Join us in making a positive change for rivers and the world.

  • Issue No.2

    Issue No.2

    The Unconventional Angler: Embracing Local Waters & Unpopular Fish" When I started fishing in my local river, the first fish I encountered were a shoal of small chub. At the...

    Issue No.2

    The Unconventional Angler: Embracing Local Waters & Unpopular Fish" When I started fishing in my local river, the first fish I encountered were a shoal of small chub. At the...

  • Issue No. 1

    Issue No. 1

    There's magic in the water. Meditation and water are wedded for ever. Herman Melville At sea a fellow comes out. Salt water is like wine, in that respect. Herman Melville...

    Issue No. 1

    There's magic in the water. Meditation and water are wedded for ever. Herman Melville At sea a fellow comes out. Salt water is like wine, in that respect. Herman Melville...

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